You may have a customer list outside of SHOPLINE admin and want to add them to your store. Instead of adding them one by one manually, you can save time by importing them in bulk using an xlsx, xls, or CSV file. If you run a Shopify store and want to bring your Shopify customers to SHOPLINE, you can prepare your Shopify customer list according to our specifications and in supported file formats. Afterwards, you can import the file to SHOPLINE and manage and edit your customers on the Customers page.
You also have the option to update multiple customers’ information at once by importing a file. Please refer to Managing Customers to learn more about exporting your customer list.
SHOPLINE provides a third way to import multiple customers. You can use the Multi-platform Store Migration tool to migrate your Shopify store to SHOPLINE, including your products, customer data, Blogs, custom pages, and other information.
In This Article
Downloading the Template
To get started, you may first download the customer template (an xlsx file). The template is designed to contain all the necessary customer details that can be imported to your SHOPLINE admin. You can skip this step if you already have the import file ready.
- From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Customers.
- In the upper-right corner, click the Import menu and select either Import locally or Import via Shopify based on your needs. If you don't have any customers in your store yet, you will see Bulk import from Excel and Import Shopify customers, respectively.
- In the pop-up window, download the template. The template is named “Customer Import Template.xlsx”.
Uploading the Template
Next, you can begin filling in the template with the customer data. If you are importing your Shopify customers into SHOPLINE, you can first export customers from your Shopify admin. Please take the example customers in the template as a guide and reference when filling in the fields. For more details about the fields, please refer to the next section.
To upload the template containing your customer data:
- From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Customers.
- In the upper-right corner, click the Import menu and select either Import locally or Import via Shopify based on your needs. If you don't have any customers in your store yet, you will see Bulk import from Excel and Import Shopify customers, respectively.
- Upload your file by either clicking into the upload box to select a file or dragging and dropping a file here.
Note: File size must not exceed 10MB. - (Optional) You can check the Cover current customers with same email address or mobile phone No. option. When enabled, if the email or phone number of the customer from the imported file is the same as that of an existing customer, the existing customer will be overwritten with the imported information, except for order and payment information. Otherwise, the customer from the imported file will be skipped and the information in SHOPLINE admin will not be updated.
- Once done, click Import.
To check the progress of bulk importing,
- Access the Bulk processing progress page via either of the following two paths:
- Click Bulk processing progress in the prompt that pops up in the upper-right corner of the page after you click Import.
- Click Bulk processing progress in the prompt that pops up in the upper-right corner of the page after you click Import.
- Click on your account profile in the upper right corner of your admin and click Bulk processing progress.
- Click on your account profile in the upper right corner of your admin and click Bulk processing progress.
- In the queue, find your import record and see the status and result. If your import failed, you can click the Failure history button to download a report that provides specific reasons for the failure. Clicking the All records button will start the download of an xlsx file identical to the one you just imported. To narrow down your search, use the Execution failed or Partially failed tab to quickly locate your import.
Understanding the Fields
The table below lists the fields included in the customer template file, along with their descriptions. Please take the example customers in the template as a guide and reference when filling in the fields.
Please note the following:
- Remove the two example customers before uploading the template.
- Please provide at least one of the contact information: email or mobile phone number.
- The rest of the fields are optional.
- If you want the imported customer address to be used as a valid shipping address, please complete the following fields.
- Company(optional)
- Address1
- Address2(optional)
- City
- Province
- Province Code
- Country
- Country Code
Field Name | Description |
First Name | The customer’s given name. |
Last Name | The customer’s surname. |
The customer’s email address must be unique and different from any other customers’ email addresses. A valid domain name is required (e.g. | |
Accepts Email Marketing |
Indicates whether the customer agrees to receive marketing emails via email. The valid values are yes and no. Enter yes if the customer accepts the marketing email, otherwise enter no. |
Company | Name of the customer's company, if applicable. |
Address1 | First address line, e.g. xxxx St. |
Address2 | Second address line (if needed). |
City | Name of the city, e.g. Ottawa or Berlin. |
Province | The province, state, or territory of the customer. If you provides this information, then you must provide its province code. |
Province Code
State/Province/Territory ISO codes. Please refer to the ISO codes on this website. |
The name of the country/region of the customer. If you provides this information, then you must provide its country code. |
Country Code |
Country/Region ISO code. Please refer to the ISO codes on this website. |
Zip | The postal code of the customer's address. |
Phone number of the customer. SHOPLINE supports various formats. For example:
Accepts SMS Marketing |
Indicates whether the customer agrees to subscribe to SMS marketing. The valid values are yes and no. Enter yes if the customer accepts the marketing SMS, otherwise enter no. |
Total Spent | The total amount spent by the customer. Please enter the value without a currency sign. |
Total Orders | The total number of orders made by the customer. |
Tag | Tags are used to categorize and organize the customer.
Note | Notes for the customer. They will appear in the Remarks section of the customer’s details page and are not visible to the customer.
Tax Exempt | Indicates whether the customer is tax-exempt. The valid values are yes and no. |
Birthday | The customer’s birthday (YYYY/MM/DD). |
Gender | The customer’s gender (male, female, Prefer not to say, Unknown). |