SHOPLINE's Chat support optimisation feature enables you to automatically tag customers using keywords and share product catalogs through chat, enhancing customer interaction. Follow this simple guide to get started.
In This Article
Customer Automatic Tag
This feature identifies keywords in conversations, assigning relevant tags to customers for personalized responses and targeted recommendations. It enhances chat reply efficiency and aids in recognizing product trends. Follow these steps to configure automatic tagging by keywords.
Setting Customer Automatic Tag
- From your SHOPLINE admin panel, click Messages, locate the Chat support optimisation option, and click Go to settings.
- Select Automatic customer tagging and click Add keywords and tags.
- Enter your desired tag(s) and their related keyword(s). For example, you could create a tag "High-intent customer" with the keyword "discount." Then, click the Save icon.
- Tag(s): Input the tag and click the gray button next to each tag to choose your preferred color for easy visual identification.
- Keyword(s): Type a keyword and press Enter to add it. You can add up to 20 keywords per tag.
- Toggle on Automatically add tag to enable automatic tagging after setting up your keywords and tags.
Note: You need to add at least one set of keywords and tags before activating the automatic tagging feature. |
Viewing Customer Automatic Tag
- Go to Messages in your SHOPLINE admin panel and click View messages to access the chat reply panel.
- Select the channel and the specific customer's message you want to check for tags.
- When the customer uses a keyword you've set, the system automatically assigns the corresponding tag. Find these tags under Tags on the Profile panel.
Catalog Settings
The Catalog Settings feature allows instant sharing of direct links via various channels, enabling customers to explore and purchase products without additional online store navigation.
Configuring Catalog Settings
- From your SHOPLINE admin panel, click Messages, locate Chat support optimisation, and click Go to settings.
- Select Catalog settings and click Create a catalog.
- Name the catalog and select items to add through two methods:
Add custom product: Click to add a custom product. Enter product details such as name, price, or quantity, and upload a product picture. Then, click Save.
Add products: Click to select products from your product list. Use the filters to find desired items quickly, check those you want to include, then click Add.
Add custom product: Click to add a custom product. Enter product details such as name, price, or quantity, and upload a product picture. Then, click Save.
- Click Create to complete the catalog creation.
Sending Catalogs to Customers
- Go to Messages in your SHOPLINE admin panel and click View messages to access the chat reply panel.
- Select the desired channel and the specific customer's message to share a catalog.
- Click on the Catalog icon in the message input field and select the catalog you want to share.
- Add additional messages if necessary, then click Send.