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Setting and Applying Discounts

Setting preset discounts in the POS system is a convenient way to apply discounts during the checkout process. By configuring preset discounts, cashiers can quickly apply discounts to specific products or orders with just a few clicks, eliminating the need for manual discount calculations.


In This Article



Setting Up Shortcuts For Discounts

Suppose you run a clothing store with a 10% discount for all members or a 15% discount on new products during their first week of sale. Instead of manual calculations, you can preset these discounts in the POS system and set shortcuts from them for efficient checkout. Follow the steps below:

Note: To learn how to create a loyalty program for your SHOPLINE store, refer to the Membership Level Settings article.
  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to POS > Settings > Discounts.
    1.1 POS _ Settings _ Discounts.png
  1. On the discount settings page, you can set order-level or product-level discounts separately. Click Add discount to create discounts that can be easily applied in the POS system.
    1.2 Add discount.png

  2. On the pop-up window, enter the discount name, select the discount type, and set up the discount amount or percentage. Then, click Add discount.
    1.3 Comfirm adding disctount.png

Now, the created discounts should have been added to the "Shortcut​​" section of the discount application page in your POS system, where you can quickly select and apply discounts for customers at checkout. 



Applying Order Discounts

During a sale, you may wish to apply a discount to the entire order. This can be achieved by using fixed amounts, percentages, or coupon codes. Follow the steps below to learn how to apply a discount to an entire order:

  1. After adding all the products to the shopping cart, click the ellipsis icon [...] in the upper right corner of the cart.
    2.1 Click [...].png

  2. On the "Other operation" page, select Apply discount.
    2.2 Click Apply discount.png
  1. Select a discount method from the left menu. In addition to the shortcut discount options, you can also set and apply a one-time order discount through amount, percentage, and discount code.
    2.3 Discount options.png

  2. After setting up the discounts, click Save in the upper right corner, and the system will direct you back to the shipping cart page.
    2.4 Click Save.png

  3. To view, edit, or delete the applied discount, click Discount above the "Pay" button.
    2.5 Details of discount.png



Applying Product Discounts

Besides discounts to an entire order, you can also apply a discount to specific products. This can be done by reducing a fixed amount or applying a percentage discount. Follow the steps below to learn how to apply a discount to individual products:

  1. After adding all the products to the shipping cart, click on the product that you want to apply a discount to.
    3. 1 Click on product.png

  2. On the "Edit product" page, click Add discount.
    3.2 Click Add discount.png

  3. Select a discount method from the left menu. In addition to the shortcut discount options, you can also set and apply a one-time product discount through amount and percentage.
    3.3 Discount options.png

  4. After setting up the discounts, click Save in the upper right corner. Then, the system will direct you back to the shipping cart page.
    3.4 Click Save.png

  5. To view, edit, or delete the applied discount, click on the product item again to access the "Edit product" page.
    3.5 Manual discount.png


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