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Markets Management Overview

You can allocate different settings to different countries and regions through the Markets, which includes one country/region or a group of countries/regions, helping you manage your brand experience.

For example, you can create a market called North America for Canada, the United States, and Mexico, where all countries share the same set of settings. You can also set up a country market specifically for Japan with a different set of settings.


In This Article



Suitable Scenarios for Enabling Markets

When your needs meet the following conditions, consider enabling the Markets function:

  • You wish to sell in multiple markets, and each requires different pricing, languages, domains, discounts, and shipping fees.
  • Changing the store's settlement currency, but the store already has normal orders

After registering with SHOPLINE, you can immediately access SHOPLINE Markets, where the system will create a main market for you. In SHOPLINE Admin, go to Settings > Basic Settings > Payment Currency, you will find the currency setting of the main market. Before your store generates any orders, you can change your store's currency (main market currency). After generating orders, you can add other markets to enable multi-currency settlement for your store.



Create Primary Market

The primary market is the main country/region to which you sell products, and is determined by the store currency. (currency setting: Settings > Basic Setting > Payment currency) For example, if your store address is in Canada but your store currency is set to US dollars, then your primary market will be set to the United States.

By default, any changes you make to your store will affect your primary market. When you change product prices or set up new inventory locations, these changes will automatically apply to your primary market.

Note: When you enable any market, please make sure the Enable multi currency switch option remains unchecked ( Settings > Basic settings > Payment currency > Enable multi currency switch )as this configuration conflicts with the Markets feature.



Create Single Country / Regional Market 

Single-country market refers to a market that includes only one country. When creating a new single-country market, the system will set the base currency of that market to the currency of that country. This allows for targeted strategies to sell products to specific countries and regions using a single-country market.

Note: If your Primary market is Canada, and a significant portion of your international sales comes from the United States, creating a market specifically for the United States can provide customers with a specialized local experience when browsing your store. This can help increase your sales and conversion rates.


The below steps showcase the steps of creating single country/ region market:

  1. Go to Settings > Markets > Create a market > Add Market name and Country/Region > and click Create to create the market.

  1. Set Market Domain Rules and Languages: Settings > Markets > Select another market in Market list > Domain and Language > Manage
  • Use Main Domain to Display Website: You can use the main domain of your store to display all markets on the storefront. 

Note: When using the main domain, the language for the selected market will default to the language settings of the main market. 

For example, if in Settings > Language > Multilingual setting, you have selected English, Japanese, and Thai, and in Settings > Markets > Primary Market > Language and Domain, you have selected English (default language) and Thai as the supported languages, when setting up a market for Japan in Other Markets, selecting Use Main Domain for the market domain settings will align the language of the Japanese market with that of the Canadian market, with English (default language) and Thai, and Japanese cannot be selected.  


  • Use subdomains to assign different domains for different markets: If you have multiple markets and need each market's users to see different domains and languages when entering the corresponding market, you can choose to use subdomains in Settings > Markets > Select an Other Market > Domain and Language to assign different domains for different markets, achieving a localized experience for customers.


Note:  The market language configured with subdomains will not default to using the main market's language settings. Instead, you can choose the corresponding language for other markets based on the languages configured in Settings > Languages > Multilingual Translation.

For example, if you have selected English, Japanese, Thai, Korean, Spanish, and French in Settings > Languages >Multilingual Translation, and your main market is Australia with languages English (default language), Spanish, and French, for the other market (Japan), when you choose [Use Subdomain] for the market domain setting, the language for the Japanese market can be selected from all or part of the supported languages, including English, Japanese, Thai, Korean, Spanish, and French. You can also choose Japanese as the default language for the Japanese market.


  • To configure URLs with different market languages using subfolders: When you cannot have multiple domains to provide a localized experience for each market separately, you can achieve this by setting up subfolders for each market. Create a suffix under the main domain, so that when different users access different markets, the domain URL will display differently depending on the language.

  1. Setting Market Product Prices: Settings > Markets > Select a market other than Primary market > Products and Pricing

You can choose a currency for this country. When the cost of goods varies for each market due to various factors, you can set prices for the market based on a percentage increase or decrease from the main market prices through Price adjustment. For more information, please refer to price setting related FAQ page.

You can also choose the rules for converting the market's merchant price exchange rate through Edit exchange rate, whether through automatic rate conversion or a custom fixed exchange rate value defined by you. For more information related to currency and exchange rate, please refer to the FAQ page.


Note: When your market has enabled exchange rate conversion and some products have a fixed selling price set, the storefront products will apply the fixed selling price.


  1. Set Market Shipping Scheme: Settings > Markets > Select a market other than Primary market > Shipping> Manage.

When setting up a market, it is necessary to establish a shipping scheme that supports delivery for the corresponding country in that market.

Note: This configuration uses the content of Settings > Shipping and Delivery, and the market cannot exclude other countries/regions supported.


  1. Set market payments: Settings > Markets > Select a market other than Primary market > Payments > Manage.


  • System settings: This means that customers will pay for orders in the store's currency based on different payment methods. For example, if the store's main market payment currency is USD and the currency in the Japanese market is JPY, when customers in Japan choose System setting to enter the Japanese market, they will see prices in JPY. However, the final order will be settled in USD.
  • Customized payment methods: When you enable Customized payment methods and turn the toggle on, customers can then settle orders in the local currency based on different payment methods. 



1. Customized payment methods need to be determined by the existing payment methods whether they support payment in the market. If they do not support payment in the local currency, it may result in payment failure for customers.

For example, if the settlement currency of the main market of the store is USD and the currency of the Japanese market is JPY, when the merchant configures payment methods A, B (the payment channel itself does not settle in JPY), C in the store, and only enables A and B payments. When customers from Japan enter the Japanese market, they will see prices in JPY, and the final order will be settled in JPY (when settling with payment method A; if payment methods B/C are chosen, the final order will be settled in USD).

2. The toggle Pay in current market currency on the right in the is not a control switch for filtering payment methods for the corresponding market.



Create Multi Country/Region Market

When creating a multi country/ region, you can create a market called North America for Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

The below steps showcase the steps of creating multi country/ region market:

  1. Go to Settings > Markets > Create a market > fill in Market name > click Add country/ region to add markets you like > and click Complete > and click Create.  


  1. Setup market domain and language: go to Settings >  Markets > Select another market in Market list > Domain and Language > Manage 
  2. Set Market Product Prices: Settings > Markets > Select another market in Market list  > Payments
  • You can select a currency for this market (default settings are usually based on the currency of the first market you add). You can set product prices for this market based on a price percentage increase or decrease from the main market's prices using Price adjustment, Please refer to the Set Local Pricing article for setting steps.
  • The market's product price conversion rule is whether to use an automatic exchange rate or a fixed exchange rate that you define, you can refer to Currency Conversion and Exchange Rates.
  • When you check Show prices in the customer's country/region currency, it means that Mexican customers entering the North America market will see prices in Mexican pesos, and Canadian customers entering the North America market will see prices in Canadian dollars.

  1. When displaying prices in the customer's country/region currency, rounding of prices may vary by country/region. Rounding of prices means all prices will be rounded after conversion. You can configure rounding of prices by opening Settings > Market > Preference settings > check Price Rounding and click on View Rounding Rules for further details.
  2. For multi-country markets, it is not possible to manually set fixed prices for individual countries. The manual price setting provided is for the currency of that market.


  1. Set Market Shipping Scheme: Settings > Markets > Select a market other than Primary market > Shipping> Manage.
    Same principle as for a single country/ region market.

  2. Set market payments: Settings > Markets > Select a market other than Primary market > Payments > Manage.

Same principle as for a single country/ region market, except that you need to set up each country under the same market separately. If different countries are configured differently, the corresponding settlement currencies will be different. 


Additional Configuration

Country & Language Selector

If you have translation resources and are able to maintain the language data rather than relying on Google Translate, go to Online Store > Design > click Design in Current theme section > Header / Footer and enable Show country/ region selector or Display the language selector. This allows customers to manually switch the country selector to display the corresponding language for the selected country.


  1. When you enable the language selector in the theme settings, it means you are using User-Generated Content (UGC) translation capability. This requires you to maintain the translation content for each market and language using your own translation to achieve the normal translation effect on the store front.

  2. When a customer enters the store, they will first be located to the corresponding market based on their IP address (you need to have the corresponding market set up, otherwise, it will redirect to the main market). When the user enters the market, it will again determine if the market language matches the user's browser language. If they do not match, it may result in a change in the market language.


If you are unable to maintain language data for various countries yourself, you can also use the Google Translate plugin to configure the language selector and achieve site-wide translation. By installing the Google Translate plugin, you can enable Google Translate and choose the position for the language selector to be displayed. You can also choose whether to enable the use of the preferred browser language. For more details, you can visit Google Translate Assistant for further information.


Google Translate Assistant and UGC Multilingual Visual Translation cannot be enabled at the same time, as this may result in inaccurate translations being overwritten.

Multi Market Redirection

If your market involves countries in the European Union (EU), due to legal restrictions, EU customers will not be redirected within the EU. That is, when EU customers visit the store, the store cannot locate them to the corresponding market based on their IP. Please go to the SHOPLINE App Store and install Geolocation Redirects to enable multi-market redirection. When redirection fails for a user, a popup will appear prompting the customer to manually select their country and language, thereby allowing them to successfully enter the European market.

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