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Google Account - Definition, Creation, and Asset Authorization

A Google Account is a universal identity verification and authorization system that provides users with permission to access and manage various Google services and products. In the ecommerce field, a Google Account offers a variety of features and tools to boost business growth and success. This topic describes the application of a Google Account in the ecommerce field.


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Introducing Google Account

A Google Account is a unified identity verification and authorization system provided by Google. Users can log in and access multiple Google services and products with one account.

The Google Account also plays a crucial role in the ecommerce field. For example, consumers can use their Google Account to log in to ecommerce websites to purchase products, place orders, and make payments, while merchants can leverage Google Ads, Google Analytics (GA4), Google Merchant Center (GMC), and Google Tag Manager (GTM) for advertisement, data analysis, and store management.

In summary, the Google Account is an integrated identity verification and authorization system for various Google services and products. It provides users with convenient access and management and offers essential support for the ecommerce and advertisement industries.



Creating Google Account

You can perform the following steps:

  1. Go to https://accounts.google.com/signup/.
  2. Fill in your first name and last name, and then click Next.
  3. Enter your birthdate and gender, and then click Next.
  4. Create a Gmail address for logging in to your Google Account, and then click Next.
  5. Set a strong password and click Next.
  6. Enter your mobile number for security verification, and then click Next.
  7. Fill in the verification code and click Next.
  8. Add a recovery email address, and then click Next.
  9. Agree to the Privacy and Terms and click I agree.
  10. Account created successfully.

For details about creating a Google Account, visit Google Help.



Linking Google Account with SHOPLINE

  1. Go to your SHOPLINE admin panel.
  2. Click Channels and select Google in the left toolbar. Enter the Google channel > Product sync. and click Connect.
  3. Select the Google account you want to link to.
  4. Account linked successfully.


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